当前位置 首页 电影 恐怖片 《破虏湖》


类型:恐怖  韩国  2022 

主演:李仲玉 金大健 김연교 변중희 姜末琴 孔敏晶 




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    破虏湖 破虏湖剧情介绍

    ok电影天堂第一时间收录《破虏湖》并提供免费在线观看。《破虏湖》上映于 2022年,是一部韩国制片出品,由李仲玉,金大健,김연교,변중희,姜末琴,孔敏晶等主演的恐怖片,对白语言为韩语。

    《破虏湖》剧情简介:  Dowoo runs an old motel – adjacent to a lake with thousands of Korean War victims at its bottom – as well as caring for his mother who has dementia. One wintry day she disappears without a trace. In her stead, a cute little dog appears. Everyone helps kind-hearted, somewhat shy Dowoo search for her. However, when his mother isn’t found, rumours arise that he may have killed her. Has he started having doubts himself? It doesn’t help that he swallowed her tranquillisers on the day she went missing, and can’t remember a thing.   The disappearance gradually morphs into a disturbing psychological drama. The motel’s appeal to potential suicides, a suspicious kid nosing around, and unexpected visions of horror mean Dowoo’s imagination and reality are increasingly intertwined. What really happened? “A terrifying thing, sunk into the abyss of man,” is the motto Lim Sang-Su gave his first feature film.


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