乔治·桑德斯3.0 演员介绍
影人简介 George Henry Sanders (3 July 1906 – 25 April 1972) was a Russian-born English film and television actor, singer-songwriter, music composer, and author. His career as an actor spanned more than 40 years. His upper-class English accent and bass voice often led him to be cast as sophisticated but villainous characters. He is perhaps best known as Jack Favell in Rebecca (1940), Scott Folliott in Foreign Correspondent (1940) (a rare heroic part), Addison DeWitt in All About Eve (1950), for which he won an Academy Award, King Richard the Lionheart in King Richard and the Crusaders (1954), Mr. Freeze in a two-parter episode of Batman (1966), the voice of the malevolent man-hating tiger Shere Khan in Disney's The Jungle Book (1967), and as Simon Templar, "The Saint", in five films made in the 1930s and 1940s. 早年经历 英国男演员,生于圣彼得堡,父母是英国人。俄国十月革命时期全家返回英国,先后就读于布赖顿学院和曼彻斯特技术学院。毕业后曾经营纺织品、烟草等生意。
影人简介 George Henry Sanders (3 July 1906 – 25 April 1972) was a Russian-born English film and television actor, singer-songwriter, music composer, and author. His career as an actor spanned more than 40 years. His upper-class English accent and bass voice often led him to be cast as sophisticated but villainous characters. He is perhaps best known as Jack Favell in Rebecca (1940), Scott Folliott in Foreign Correspondent (1940) (a rare heroic part), Addison DeWitt in All About Eve (1950), for which he won an Academy Award, King Richard the Lionheart in King Richard and the Crusaders (1954), Mr. Freeze in a two-parter episode of Batman (1966), the voice of the malevolent man-hating tiger Shere Khan in Disney's The Jungle Book (1967), and as Simon Templar, "The Saint", in five films made in the 1930s and 1940s. 早年经历 英国男演员,生于圣彼得堡,父母是英国人。俄国十月革命时期全家返回英国,先后就读于布赖顿学院和曼彻斯特技术学院。毕业后曾经营纺织品、烟草等生意。 演艺经历 1935年在英国从影,拍有《找女人》、《奇怪的船货》等影片。次年进入好莱坞,参加了《逃跑的女人》、《局外人》等片的拍摄,成为重要影星,常扮演决策人物或讨好巴结人的无赖。以行为不端的性格角色受人瞩目,很快成为好莱坞重要影星之一。1943年出演《月亮和六便士》(又译《画圣奇迹》)塑造了一个有血有肉的玩世不恭者的形象,受到好评,1951年以《慧星美人》获第23届奥斯卡最佳男配角金像奖。此后,他还参与了《艾凡赫》(1952)、《意大利旅行》(1953)等影片的拍摄。60年代,他通常在欧洲拍片。有:《抢夺行动计划》(1962)、《阴谋》(1964)、《通往开罗的干线》(1966)等。这些影片都体现了他风度优雅、玩世不恭的表演风格。其主要影片还有《四杰传》、《蝴蝶梦》、《国际情报网》、《纽约奇谈》、《胭脂血》、《盗宝偷香》、《扇》、《流氓生涯》、《从地球到月球》、《好时间》、《克里姆林信件》、《精神病》等。乔治·桑德斯四度结婚(包括莎莎·嘉宝),写有自传《一个职业无赖的自传》,他于1972年服安眠药自杀,在遗书中他写到他的死主要是由于对生活感到厌倦。他生前拍的最后一部影片就叫《制造死亡之轮的人》(1972)。