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类型:喜剧 动画 欧美动漫  美国  2012 

主演:H·乔恩·本杰明 克里斯汀·沙尔 DanMintz KristenSchaal JohnRoberts 

导演:AnthonyChun BooHwanLim KyoungHeeLim 



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    开心汉堡店第二季 开心汉堡店第二季剧情介绍

    ok电影天堂第一时间收录《开心汉堡店第二季》并提供免费在线观看。《开心汉堡店第二季》上映于 2012年,是一部美国制片出品,由H·乔恩·本杰明,克里斯汀·沙尔,DanMintz,KristenSchaal,JohnRoberts等主演的动漫,对白语言为英语。

    《开心汉堡店第二季》剧情简介:  The series follows the ups and downs of third-generation restaurateur BOB (H. Jon Benjamin), who runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob and his unpredictable family have big ideas about burgers, but they fall short on service and sophistication. Despite their restaurant's greasy counters, lousy location and dearth of customers, Bob and his family are determined to make every "Grand Re-Re-Re-opening" a success.


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