当前位置 首页 福利片 《42岁》


类型:伦理 福利  奥地利  2007 

主演:乌尔里希·图库尔 Mario Giordano Ugo Conti 佩特拉·莫泽 Vanessa Krüger 

导演:Sabine Derflinger 



    已选择:极速一线 支持手机电脑在线播放

    42岁 42岁剧情介绍

    ok电影天堂第一时间收录《42岁》并提供免费在线观看。《42岁》上映于 2007年,是一部奥地利制片出品,由乌尔里希·图库尔,Mario,Giordano,Ugo,Conti,佩特拉·莫泽,Vanessa,Krüger等主演的福利片,。

    《42岁》剧情简介:Follows 41-year-old Christine on her quest for happiness. Together with her husband and her teenage daughter, she goes on holiday on the beautiful island of Ischia. There she finds herself having an identity crisis due to the arrival of the long lost love of her youth and her lover and his wife.


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