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类型:动漫电影 动漫  西班牙  2015 

主演:Luis Roberto Alves Pierre Angelo Raúl Araiza Alberto Garcia Aspe Enrique Bermúdez Jorge Campos 

导演:Carlos Pimentel Nathan Sifuentes 



    已选择:极速一线 支持手机电脑在线播放

    已选择:飞速云播 在线播放

    神犬世界杯 神犬世界杯剧情介绍

    ok电影天堂第一时间收录《神犬世界杯》并提供免费在线观看。《神犬世界杯》上映于 2015年,是一部西班牙制片出品,由Luis,Roberto,Alves,Pierre,Angelo,Raúl,Araiza,Alberto,Garcia,Aspe,Enrique,Bermúdez,Jorge,Campos等主演的动漫,对白语言为西班牙语。

    《神犬世界杯》剧情简介:  Play as one; think as one; win as one. The road to glory is walked as a pack. When the Mexicanine Republic becomes the host for the World Canine Cup, the coach has one chance to put together the best team in history; but the new warriors will have to learn to put aside their differences and work as a team, to show their country that ultimate football glory is more than just a d...


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