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国王的骑手 Elesin Oba 国王的骑手 Elesin Oba剧情介绍

ok电影天堂第一时间收录《国王的骑手 Elesin Oba》并提供免费在线观看。《国王的骑手 Elesin Oba》上映于 2022年,是一部尼日利亚制片出品,由OdunladeAdekola等主演的剧情片,对白语言为约鲁巴语。

《国王的骑手 Elesin Oba》剧情简介:Inspired by true life events, in the Oyo Empire in the 1940's, Elesin Oba, the king's chief horseman, succumbs to the lure of beauty and sexual desire on the very evening he is set to die in order to fulfil his lifelong debt of ritual suicide to accompany the dead Alaafin to the realm of the ancestors, he derails from a very important generational and spiritual transaction. This sets in motion a series of catastrophic consequences, in a spell-binding film of emotions, humour, and tragic role reversals that puts ancient beliefs and customs on trial in an ever increasingly post-modern and Western world.

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国王的骑手 Elesin Oba by ok电影天堂

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