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蓝色吸引力 蓝色吸引力剧情介绍

ok电影天堂第一时间收录《蓝色吸引力》并提供免费在线观看。《蓝色吸引力》上映于 1995年,是一部美国制片出品,由斯黛西·达什,丹·盖特尔,路易斯·基亚姆布拉沃,特雷沃·格德达德,迈克尔·杜雷尔,桑德拉,迪,罗宾逊,大卫·格罗,迈克尔·卡瓦诺夫,弗朗西斯·X.麦卡蒂,Raye,Birk,Scott,Kraft,John,Snyder,Christopher,Michael,Moore,Scott,Mosenson,Kelli,Johnson等主演的福利片,对白语言为英语。

《蓝色吸引力》剧情简介:Lost in a personal vacation police Chris Morgan (he gave evidence to the Department of internal investigations about corruption of their fellow was awarded OK. 400 000 dollars!), he met with singer from the bar Keri Truitt, which, as it appears, is implicated in the murder of her own husband a millionaire. Detective action of the film unfolds on the background of relations Chri...


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