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禁果情花 禁果情花剧情介绍

ok电影天堂第一时间收录《禁果情花》并提供免费在线观看。《禁果情花》上映于 1986年,是一部中国香港制片出品,由玄智慧,汤镇宗,卢大伟,沈威,田青,司马燕,蒋金,炜烈,叶夏利等主演的福利片,对白语言为粤语。

《禁果情花》剧情简介:A dastardly scam artist gets himself mixed up in a prostitution smuggling operation. Despite his better judgment, he continues mingling with the wrong side of the law because he doesn’t want to be labeled a coward in front of the girl he is trying to woo.


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