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类型:剧情片 剧情  地区:菲律宾  年份:1972 



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大鸟笼 大鸟笼剧情介绍

ok电影天堂第一时间收录《大鸟笼》并提供免费在线观看。《大鸟笼》上映于 1972年,是一部菲律宾制片出品,由Pam Grier,Anitra Ford,Sid Haig等主演的剧情片,对白语言为英语。

《大鸟笼》剧情简介:Terry, a social-climbing young woman accidently gets caught up in the activities of two revolutionaries, Blossom and Django, and finds herself in a concentration camp for women. In the center of the camp is a towering wooden machine ("The Big Bird Cage") in which the women risk their lives processing sugar as the evil warden looks on. The prisoners are subjected to sadistic cruelty from the guards and fellow prisoners, and all attempts at escape are delt with...permanently. Terry's only hope for escape lies in Blossom and her revolutionary allies.


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