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土耳其战狼 土耳其战狼剧情介绍

ok电影天堂第一时间收录《土耳其战狼》并提供免费在线观看。《土耳其战狼》上映于 2018年,是一部土耳其制片出品,由Ahu Türkpençe , Özge Gürel , Serkan Çayoglu , Mesut Akusta , Murat Arkın , Emir Benderlioğlu , Armağan Oğuz , Fırat Doğruloğlu等主演的电视剧,。

《土耳其战狼》剧情简介: Turkey in the spring of 2014. A time when the enemies are growing on the border, the circle of danger inside is becoming narrower. The Republic of Turkey faces the greatest threats of recent history. BÖRÜ tells the story of heroic heroes who are touched by love. They are the last castle.


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